Sunday, October 19, 2008


At her 4 month check-up, Avery's doctor was concernced about the shape of her head, and recommended we get it evaluated at Cranial Technologies. There, they took pictures and measurements of Avery's head and said that she has brachycephaly which is a flattening of her head. The director said that it probably started before she was born and then continued to get worse due her neck muscles being tight which caused her to always lay with head facing to the left. They recommended we get her a DOC Band to correct her head shape. After much deliberation (and a few tears on my part) we finally decided to go ahead with it. We just didn't want to regret not doing it later on since if it is untreated, it could cause a number of health problems. So we took her back in to get the 3D imaging of her head and then she went back the day before her 5 month birthday to get the band. I was really worried about how people were going to react, but so far no one has asked about it. They probably just don't want to be rude since they don't know what it is for. I can still hear people comment on how cute she is, but they don't come up and talk to her like they used to. Oh well, now I can get in and out of the store a lot faster!! And the band doen't bother her at all. She doesn't even act like she knows she has it on. Luckily she should only have to wear it for 6-8 weeks which is a lot less than some kids, and then we'll be back to normal.

Avery's new DOC Band

Avery's new toy she got at TJ's. (It's a drink lid) She had so much fun with that thing. I think she liked the sound it made when she scratched it with her fingers.

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