Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break Continued

Avery and I have been having so much fun this spring break! And I've been trying to capture all of it in pictures and video. I've decided that I need to always keep my camera tied around my neck because by the time I get back from grabbing my camera, Avery is ready to move on to something else! But anyways, here are a bunch of videos that I took this week and a few pictures too.
This is a video of Miss A walking behind a little bike. Like I said, by the time I got my camera, she was just about finished with this trick.

Tim had the day off yesterday, so we took Avery to park to ride the train.

I had a whole lot of plastic Easter eggs up at school, and I knew Avery was just dying to take more pictures so who am I to deny her! We threw up the sheet and threw down some eggs. Thankfully, Tim was there to help me keep Avery on the sheet. She really wanted to push all the eggs around and chase after them!

Tim is teaching Avery what to do when boys try to kiss her!

Just try not to laugh when you watch this one!

Avery had her first "big girl" cookie this week. It is shaped like a banana and makes a huge mess!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

I can't even explain how excited I am about Spring Break! A whole week to visit my family and just hang out with Avery! This past weekend we went to Victoria to visit my family and my aunt took Easter pictures of Avery, Connor, and Kensie. They turned out so cute!

Visiting Popa's cows

Happy St. Patrick's Day! (Wish I had known her headband was falling off!)

Digging through Mommy's Purse

Here are the Easter pictures my aunt took. (Let me know if you want her to take pictures for you, I'll get you her number!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

First Major Accident

Yesterday during work I got the worst phone call ever. Avery's babysitter called the school and they transferred the call to my room. I could barely make out what she was saying because she was crying so much and Avery was screaming. But at least I knew Avery was still alive since I could hear her. Avery had fallen off of the bed and hit her head on the floor. I ran out of school without even telling my kids I was leaving and took Avery to the Texas Med Clinic. They said I should go to the ER in case they needed to do a CAT scan. So Tim rode with us to the hospital and we ended up waiting in the ER for a couple of hours with some "interesting" people. Natalie, our babysitter, came and waited with us also. Avery was talking and laughing the whole time so we figured everything was fine, but wanted to hear it from a doctor. When the doctor finally saw her, he just stared at her for the longest time and then started talking really slow like he was trying to break the bad news to us and telling us how she could have fractured her skull and their could be internal bleeding and they could do a CAT scan to find out for sure. Then he finally said that he didn't think that was the case with Avery since she was so alert and never lost consciousness. (BIG sigh of relief here!) Now we are back home and Avery is doing great.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Crawling & Connor's Birthday

Happy 4th birthday Connor!

The girls were having so much fun clapping and crawling all over each other.

Avery got her first guitar lesson this weekend while hanging out with the Kennedy's.

Avery started crawling this past week. I guess she took so long because she wanted to make sure she got it perfect. She's gotten pretty fast and is unstoppable.

Avery loves her bath time. One of her favorite parts is watching the water flow into the tub.