Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cloth Rings

I made these cloth rings for Kensie and Avery a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure how Kensie likes her's, but Avery isn't very interested them. I think they might be a little old for them, but when I saw them here, I wanted to try them out!

Splashway & Chuck E. Cheese

Earlier this week, Avery and I went to Victoria for a visit with Mimi, Poppa, and Connor, and to go to Splashway Waterpark. This was Avery's first trip to a waterpark. She had a blast trying to walk through all the water and dancing to the music.

On our way to Splashway

On our way home

Avery also got to go to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time!

She kept looking up the tunnel waiting for the balls to come down.

She grabbed a whole piece of pizza off the plate when I wasn't looking!

This is what I get for leaving the room for less than a minute!

After I cleaned up the material she kept trying to get into the box again.

Avery loves to "talk" on the phone!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kensie's First Birthday

While we were getting Avery ready for the party, she was listening to music on Morgan's phone. I was surprised she was so into it since it was someone other than her favorite musician(Drew)!

Happy 1st Birthday Miss K!

Avery really wanted a piece of cake! She was getting just a little irritated having to wait.

Exploring all of the goodies from the pinata

Avery thinks everything Connor does is hilarious!

Avery snuck into the guest room/storage room and found the leftover cups from her own party!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Week

Reading at the library

Avery and Amy begging for peanuts from Holly

Avery found Tim's sunglasses on the end table and had to put them on. Of course a few minutes later, she proceeded to break them. (Nothing a little super glue can't fix!)

Last night we took Avery to San Antonio for her first baseball game. About halfway through the game, she finally realized that there were players on the field actually doing some thing, and she started yelling at them and clapping.

Avery loves piggy back rides now. If I'm sitting on the ground she will climb on my back so I will give her one.

I had to get a picture of her in the shirt Aunt Morgan gave her for her birthday before she outgrew it!

Tim was keeping Avery entertained.(I wish I would have gotten it while she was really squealling)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pacifier Attacher

I finally got around to making the pacifier attacher that I had been thinking about making for almost year!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ear Piercing, and More Pictures

This is the tutu my mom made Avery a while ago.

This is a onesie that my Aunt Karen gave Avery. I took pictures of her in it a long time ago but she was covering up the cute "a", so I wanted to get some more.

We took Avery to the mall and got her ears pierced this week. This was the only good picture I could get of her new earrings. She kept crawling to me trying to get the camera. Most of the pictures turned out like the one below.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Haircut

Our friend Jodee came over today and gave Avery her first haircut. I was expecting that Avery would try to crawl away, but she actually sat pretty still. She just kept turning her head to see what Jodee was doing back there.

Potty Training, More Walking, and New Trick

I introduced Avery to potty training the other day, and so far she thinks it is hilarious to sit on the potty. She did actually go teetee the other day and was rewarded with music that the potty plays. Right now I'm really just trying to get her used to sitting on the potty and to understand what it is for. We are also working on sign language for potty.

Another video of Avery walking!

Avery has a new trick: She tries to stand on her head!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Picture by Drew

Our friend Drew took this picture while we were at his house playing washers the other night. (Drew is the husband of "The Amazing Holly") It's amazing to me that Avery can sleep through many washer games going on right next to her, but one little sound in our house can wake her right up! (Drew is also Avery's favorite musician. She LOVES to dance to his music! Check out his website.)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

4th of July Parade

Avery's first snow cone

Port A and the Texas State Aquarium

This week we took Avery down to the beach for the first time. She loved playing in the sand, and loved the water even more. When we took her down to the water, she kept walking further and further into it and squealing every time a wave hit her.

Crawling through the water

Avery LOVED this pirate. She kept turning around to look and talk to it, and she would point to it when other people came by.

Exhausted after a morning at the beach

Morgan and Hayden came by our room to say hi. Yes, that is a cookie in her mouth.(An innocent bribe to get her to smile. She was very sleepy, and therefore not in a smiling mood!)

On Wednesday, we went to the Texas State Aquarium. Avery really enjoyed yelling at the fish and banging on the glass!

This tank had all of the fish from Finding Nemo in it!