Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, this first picture isn't from Valentine's Day, but thought it was funny!  I was going to clean out Avery's closet and box up clothes that don't fit her anymore, so I took the laundry basket to her room and she hopped in and begged for me to pull her around.  So after a few laps around the house I told her I needed to put her clothes in the basket, but she didn't want to get out.  So I started stacking them up on top of her and she thought it was hilarious, especially when I drug her back into the living room covered in clothes.
Our little Valentine birdie I made

Valentine cards I made using my new Silhouette machine.  (I LOVE this machine!!!)

Red Velvet Cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


It is very rare for us to see snow here in Texas, and even more rare for it to actually stick to the ground and be able to hold a snowball in your hand.  So when the white stuff actually does fall, it is cause for a celebration!!!  Tim had to go in to work early, so it was up to me to play with Jake and Avery in the snow while trying to take pictures and video all at the same time.  Thankfully, Jake decided to sleep in this day, so I was able to have some time to help Avery build a snowman before he woke up.

 Once "The Destroyer" decided to wake up and join us, of course the first thing he headed for was the snowman. I think the following pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Babies

Here are a few pictures from the past weeks. 
Not much to say, but enjoy!

Poor Jake had RSV and Strep.  He did NOT like the breathing treatments!

Ballerina Girls

Jake is 10 1/2 months now.  He's standing on his own, but can't quite keep his balance enough to walk by himself yet.

I recently discovered the Quilt House.  I know it's been around for a while, but I've always just gone to Hobby Lobby for my fabric.  They are cheaper and more convenient.  But now that I have walked in and seen the fabric heaven that is the Quilt Haus, I might not be frequenting Hobby Lobby quite as much!  They have almost anything you can imagine. (Even vegetable prints if that's your style!)  These are the 5 pieces of frabric that I brought home this week that are soon to be turned into something amazing!  These just make me smile every time I look at them.  (I'll post pictures after the project is complete!)  I might have to go back soon, I'm thinking I might need one more piece that has a little more turquoise.

Toothpicks and Valentine's Day Sensory Tub

I took a piece of styrofaom and outlined different shapes with dots for Avery to stick toothpicks in.  She enjoyed doing this, and then she REALLY enjoyed breaking the styrofaom into tiny little pieces.

This is her Valentine's Day sensory tub.  It has red, white, and pink pom poms, rose petals, felt roses, puffy hearts, and felt hearts.  There's also a Valentine bucket for her to put the items in, and I added some heart shaped bowls I found at H-E-B.