Saturday, February 28, 2009

Avery had her first taste of lime this weekend. We thought she would make a really funny face, but she actually really liked it!

On Friday the UPS man rang the doorbell and left a big box by the front door. I couldn't think what it could possibly be coming from Chicago, but once I opened it, I remembered that Tim had called about a care package that The University of Chicago's Celiac Disease Center sends out to people who have been newly diagnosed with celiac disease. When Morgan first told me about it, I figured it would be just a couple of samples, with some pamplets and maybe a few coupons. But most of the food items are full sized and they look pretty good. I can't wait to taste it all. Hopefully it will be better than some of the other gluten free items I've purchased.

Valentine Craft

It always seems like I get an idea to make somehting creafty for a holiday either on the holiday itself, the day before. In this case, I thought I would make Avery an "I Love You" banner for Valentine's Day, but I didn't think of it until Valentine's morning. So needless to say, it didn't get finshed for this year, but it is all ready to go for next Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day

Avery celebrated her first Valentine's Day this past weekend and decided she didn't want to just lay around anymore, but would like to try to crawl! Right now though, her "crawl" is more of an army crawl where she is basically dragging herself across the floor. She doesn't yet understand how to get her legs to work. But she sure is funny to watch!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

High Five

Avery has learned how to give high fives! She thinks it is hilarious, but tonight she was more interested in the camera.

Super Bowl and the Johnny Jump Up

Avery got to hang out with Waylon again during the Super Bowl. Don't they make a cute couple!?

Sorry this video is sideways, but it was just too cute not to post. Hope it doesn't hurt your neck to watch it!